Synthesizing Scent III: Sagans

Synthesizing Scent III: Sagans

Continuing our Synthesizing Scent artist series, the next interpretation of AIR Eau de Parfum comes from AI design collective Sagans in collaboration with Aerthship Art Director Nicholas Woytuk.

Created for our AIR Eau de Parfum Sensorial Dinner, this piece is an interpretation of our scent that was initially made to be experienced as a projection in a physical space, as a significant component of a completely immersive event. The video was displayed over the hour-and-a-half cocktail hour and dinner service as guests sampled AIR Eau de Parfum and ate dishes inspired by the fragrance’s notes and conceptual nature.

In a nod to the convergence of nature and technology that makes our scent so unique, this piece's use of artificial intelligence to elaborate on existing raw footage captured from nature—much like our technology—simultaneously feels both natural and otherworldly.

Woytuk and Sagans write:

“Through a harmony of original footage and stable diffusion, the film portrayed uninterrupted dialogue between relentless ocean tides and the gentle whispers of clouds via an immersive 270-degree projection. The convergence of water and air in a single moving image represented a profound transformation that’s shared in every bottle of AIR Eau de Parfum.”

View highlights from the piece below and read all about our Sensorial Dinner here.

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